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Delete libraries using the delete libraries tool

Use the delete libraries tool to delete multiple libraries, even when references exist to other libraries.

Note: Only the libraries specified in the URL are deleted. For example, if we are deleting Library A and Library B, but references exist to Library C, only Library A and Library B are deleted. Library C would then contain broken references to the deleted libraries. Remove references to other libraries before running this tool.

  1. Log in to the portal as an administrator.

  2. Open the following URL in the browser and specify which libraries we want to delete:

    There are two methods available when the tool is run on a virtual portal:

      Use the URL context of a virtual portal:


      Use the host name of a virtual portal:


Run the tool using the configuration engine

Run the run-wcm-admin-task-delete-libraries task from the wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine.

Note: When running this task on a virtual portal, add either -DVirtualPortalHostName=name or -DVirtualPortalContext=context to the command.

Parent topic: Web content administration tools