PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> How to use stylesheets in items

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How to use stylesheets in items

Stylesheets can be used to format the design of IBM Web Content Manager pages in the same way as normal web pages.

Create and referencing stylesheet elements

Stylesheet elements can be stored only in stylesheet components.

To link a stylesheet component to a specific authoring template, select a stylesheet component as the default stylesheet in an authoring template.

To link a stylesheet component to a specific site area or content item, we must add a component reference element to a site area or content item and select a stylesheet component.

Referencing a stylesheet element in a presentation template

Stylesheet elements are referenced in the "header" section of a presentation template using either a style element tag or component tag.

Details Code example

To use the stylesheet specified in the authoring template of the current content item, use a <styleElement> tag.

<styleElement source="template"/>

To use the stylesheet selected in a component reference element stored in either the current site area or content item, use a <styleElement> tag.

<styleElement source="path" name="component 
reference name"/>

To use a specific stylesheet, use a <component> tag.

<component name="stylesheet 
component name"/>

When rendered in web content, references to stylesheet components are rendered as external stylesheet links:

<link href="stylesheet" media="media-type" rel="styleheet-type" type="text">

How to use styles in HTML tags

Styles that are used in HTML are stored in presentation templates and element designs in the same way as normal HTML. The style must exist in the stylesheet that is referenced in the presentation template used to render the HTML. For example, to add a class that is called "wcm" to a heading tag:

    <H1 class="wcm">Heading</H1>

How to use styles in web content tags

Stylesheets can be used to format the style of content that is retrieved using Web Content Manager tags. The style must exist in the stylesheet that is referenced in the presentation template used to render the Web Content Manager tag.

For example, to format the links in a menu using a stylesheet class called "wcm", the following placeholder tag would be used:

    <a href="<placeholder tag="href" />" class="wcm"><placeholder tag="name" /></a>

Parent topic: How to store files and images