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Configure access to remote systems for federated documents

To retrieve metadata information for documents on remote content management systems, configure the federated documents feature with information about the remote system.

Federated documents use the AJAX proxy to access remote systems. Use the global AJAX proxy configuration to customize the outgoing HTTP traffic, such as applying specific HTTP timeout values or configuring an outbound HTTP proxy server. List content management servers to be accessed through the federated documents feature as allowed request targets in the AJAX proxy configuration. Enable LTPA cookie forwarding for those requests. To do this, map the URL patterns for the content management server to the federated_documents_policy dynamic policy using the WP ConfigService configuration service.

  1. Log in to the WAS console and go to...

      Resources | Resource Environment | Resource Environment Providers | WP ConfigService | Additional Properties | Custom Properties | New

  2. Enter property name...


    ...and set the string value to the URL pattern of the content management server. For example, to access information from ecm.example.com on port 10038 over HTTP, add property:


    Property key suffix can be any value as long as it is unique within the set of keys mapping to the federated_documents_policy dynamic policy. Create additional properties as needed for any other content management servers that we need to access through the federated documents feature.

  3. The federated documents feature can also consume arbitrary ATOM feeds. To enable this, we can map the URL prefix of the ATOM feed to the default_policy dynamic policy.

    1. Click New, and enter the property name...


      ...and set the string value to the URL pattern of the server providing the ATOM feed. For example, to enable the federated documents feature to access ATOM feeds from the server www.example.com, add property:


      Property key suffix can be any value as long as it is unique within the set of keys mapping to the default_policy dynamic policy. Create additional properties as needed for any other ATOM feed servers that we need to access through the federated documents feature.

  4. Save the changes, and restart the portal server.

Parent Set up support for federated documents

Related tasks:

Set service configuration properties