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Integrate with OpenID authentication

OpenID provides decentralized user management. Users can select an identity provider to host their profile information, including user ID and password.

  • Google and Yahoo use OpenID.
  • Twitter and Facebook use OAuth.

HCL WebSphere Portal provides a trust association interceptor to handle the communication between identity providers and Portal as the service provider. HCL WebSphere Portal trusts the identity provider and grants the user entrance. Trust requires a binding between the local Portal account and a remote identity provider account. We can request additional validation from the users, and have internal accounts for the users. The binding is stored in a user attribute, which requires a writable user repository. We can give all users of an identity provider access to a Portal environment as an identified user. We grant special access rights to these users without requiring them to register with HCL WebSphere Portal.


  1. Configure OpenID authentication
  2. Modify the list of OpenID providers
  3. Configure transient users
  4. Disable transient users and OpenID authentication

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