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Disable step-up authentication and the Remember me cookie

We can disable the step-up authentication feature or the Remember me cookie to remove them from the server.

  1. Go to WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties.

  2. Open the wkplc.properties file with a text editor.

  3. Enter one of the following values for the disable_rememberme parameter under the StepUp Authentication heading:

    Add the disable_rememberme parameter to the wkplc.properties file if it does not exist.

    • If we are disabling both step-up authentication and the Remember me cookie, enter true.

    • If we are disabling step-up authentication only, enter false.

    • If we are disabling the Remember me cookie only, leave blank.

  4. Save the changes to the wkplc.properties file.

  5. Open a command prompt.

  6. Change to the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

  7. Choose one of the following tasks to modify the environment:

    • If we are disabling step-up authentication and or the Remember me cookie, run the disable-stepup-authentication task.

    • If we are disabling the Remember me cookie only, run the disable-rememberme task.

    Use the following command syntax:

Parent Enable step-up authentication and the Remember me cookie