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Restore the VMM setup with a federated file repository

If the business changes or the user registry configuration is inoperable, run the wp-restore-default-repository-configuration task to restore the default VMM setup with a federated file repository. Then, reconfigure the user registry. The task deletes all existing repositories, creates a realm, and configures a file repository in VMM. The task also creates a user and group, which is set to the HCL WebSphere Portal administrator.

  1. Before configuring security, use backupConfig to create backup of the HCL WebSphere Portal configuration.

  2. cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties

  3. Edit wkplc.properties

  4. Required: Enter a value for the following parameters under the VMM Federated repository properties heading:

    • federated.primaryAdminId
    • federated.realm
    • federated.serverId
    • federated.serverPassword

  5. Restore the default repository:

      cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.
      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-restore-default-repository-configuration -DWasPassword=foo

  6. Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes.

  7. Restore the default repository group member:

      ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-restore-default-repository-add-group-member -DgroupUniqueName=value -DmemberUniqueName=value -DWasPassword=foo

  8. Stop and restart the appropriate servers to propagate the changes.

Parent Update the user registry