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Set Inherited Theme Templates

We can set a theme template to be used on a page and have it automatically set the template for all child pages associated with that page.

This inheritance is introduced through the following metadata key, which is added to a page...


The myfile.html file, which corresponds to the theme template we are setting, must already be in WebDAV in the directory...


We can set the theme template using WebDAV or managed pages. After the custom theme template is set, we can see it displayed on the page and all child pages corresponding to that parent page.

  1. Set the theme template through the Edit Page Properties dialog from the Overview tab.

    1. Go to the page where to set the new metadata.

    2. Click Edit Mode.

    3. In the Overview section, hover over the name of the page and click the Edit.

    4. Click the Advanced tab and enter the following information in the Metadata section:


        Enter the HTML file name that corresponds to the theme template we are trying to set.

    5. Click Add to set the new metadata for the page.

    6. Click Save.

  2. Set the theme template from the managed pages administrative portlet.

    1. In the HCL WebSphere Portal administrative section, click the Manage Pages tab and go to the page where to set the metadata.

    2. Select the Edit Page Properties option for the page to edit.

    3. In Advanced options, select I want to set parameters and enter the following information:

        New parameter

        New value
        Enter the HTML file name that corresponds to the theme template we are trying to set.

    4. Click Add to set the new metadata for the page.

    5. Click Save.

Parent Theme templates (theme.html)