Rule elements
Learn about the options in the rule editor for the different types of rules.
- Arithmetic expressions rule Arithmetic expressions allows us to perform mathematical operations on resource attributes as part of your rule.
- Count of rule element Create an evaluation based on a count or tally of attributes that meet your criteria.
- Current Action Count or Name rule Current action count and Current action name allows us to base a profiler or rule on Web visitor actions.
- Current Browser Capability rule Browser Capability is an application object that allows us to profile a Web site visitor based on the attributes or capabilities of the browser being used. When applicable, it appears in the rule editor as an option when we select Resource.Attribute.
- Current Date rule element Learn what current Date is as rule element option in the rule editor.
- Current Request Attributes rule Use current Request Attributes to inspect request attributes which can be set on the current JSP.
- Current Request Parameters rule Use current Request Parameters to inspect data contained within the query string (the variables and values that appear after a question mark on a URL).
- Current Session Attributes rule Use current Session Attributes to inspect parameters stored within the current session object for the Web site visitor.
- do Action rule element Use the Do action, Otherwise do action, Always do action, and Exclude do action elements.
- Include Only rule element Include Only is a choice within the Select Action and Recommendation Rule structures. We can select action or binding rule to be used as the include only cause.
- is rule element Select is to evaluate the relationship between two sides of a conditional statement.
- order as is rule element Order as is is used to specify the order we want selected content to be returned and used. The default, order as is, will return data in the order it is stored in the repository.
- Profile rule element Profile is an arbitrary name (of your choice) that provides information about the Web site visitor, the date and time the visit occurs, or other circumstances or conditions.
- Profiler rule element Profiler is a choice within the binding rule structure, and within the Specify a Resource Attribute window when constructing a profiler.
- Quick Profiler rule Quick profilers are created within bindings to perform simple evaluations. By using a quick profiler, we can avoid creating simple profilers as separate rules.
- sender rule element sender must be a valid email address, list of email addresses (comma separated), or a resource attribute containing valid email addresses to whom the email will be sent.
- set to rule element Learn about the set to action and alternatives to set to.
- value rule element Value is the placeholder for the result of an evaluation. This value can be one you enter, the value of another resource attribute, or an arithmetic expression.