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Install the Personalization sample

This exercise installs the Portal Personalization sample and configures the database for the Personalization sample. No additional database requirements are needed.

Ensure we have the basic system requirements listed in the Prerequisites for the Personalization portlet exercise topic.

  1. Start the HCL WebSphere Portal server.

  2. From a command prompt, navigate to wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine.

  3. Enter the following commands to install the Personalization sample and create the users for this sample:

    • UNIX Linux :

      • ./ConfigEngine.sh create-pzndemo-users -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password
      • ./ConfigEngine.sh install-pzndemo -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password

    • Windows :

      • ConfigEngine.bat create-pzndemo-users -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password
      • ConfigEngine.bat install-pzndemo -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password

  4. Stop the HCL WebSphere Portal server.

  5. Restart the HCL WebSphere Portal server
  6. Confirm that the users were created by logging in as the following users. Use pzndemo as the password for each user.

    • scott
    • marge
    • tawana
    • andy

  7. Navigate to Personalization > Demo, then click through the different pages and portlets for each user. Notice the different information that displays for each user.
  8. Log out of HCL WebSphere Portal.
  9. Stop the HCL WebSphere Portal server. This action is necessary to free the single connection to the Derby database, so we can continue the next steps in this exercise.
The sample demo and database configuration is complete. We can now begin coding a basic personalized portlet.

Parent topic: Developing a personalized portlet