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User registry options

HCL WebSphere Portal provides various security configuration tasks. In the past, there was one task and we might not recover from errors. Also, we might not expand the user registry to meet your growing business needs. Now there are multiple tasks and we can fine-tune the system to meet your business needs. You have the following general security options to choose from:

Security options

Federated security

HCL WebSphere Portal is configured with a default federated repository with a built-in file-based repository. The federated repository offers the richest number of options. For example, your company acquires a new business that has an existing LDAP user registry. We can add that LDAP server to the federated repository. Choose one of the following tasks to enable a production repository:

Enable a production repository

After adding the initial user registry, we can add more user registries to the repository to create a multiple user registry configuration.

For the WebSphere Application Server administrator and portal administrator user ID and password leaving admin IDs with the built-in file repository allows us to log on to the WAS Deployment Manager and to Portal Administration if the connection to LDAP is broken.

Optional tasks

Parent topic: User registry considerations