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Work with locked and draft items

As we work in collaboration with other users, we will encounter items that are locked by other users, either because they are being edited by another user, or a draft item has been created.

Work with locked items

When a user is editing an item, the item is locked to other users. This means other users cannot edit the item until the current user closes the item being edited. A lock symbol

is displayed against items currently locked.

Users with administrator access can unlock items currently being edited by a user by selecting an item and then clicking the Unlock button.

Users with manager access can also unlock items so long as they have manager access to both the item and the library it is stored in.

Hierarchical item locking options

Locking of site areas, taxonomies, and categories are configurable and is not enabled by default.

When locking is enabled for site areas we cannot create any children within the locked site area. For example, if a site area is locked, we cannot create any site areas or content items within that site area until it is unlocked. This applies only to direct children of a locked parent. Items that are descendents of a child of a locked parent are not affected.

Work with draft items

When a new draft of a published item is created, a tick is displayed against the published item. This means that no other user can create a draft until the current draft progresses through a workflow and its state changes to published.

Parent Work with the authoring portlet

Parent Item management features