Create an alternate design tag
To display components based on the path of the item returned by a navigator or menu, use the alternatedesign tag.
[alternatedesign highlight=" " normal=" " type=" " start=" " end=" " ]
To create an alternate design tag:
- From a navigator or menu design field, click...
Insert a Tag > Alternate Design
- Select a component to use when displaying items not on the current path in a navigator or menu design.
Typically a text component or an HTML component with a placeholder tag is used to display navigator or menu results. This is added to the tag as the normal=" " parameter.
If we select type="parent" or type="any" in step 5, the highlighted design is used by all the site areas in the current item path.
- Select a component to use when displaying items on the current path in a navigator or menu design. This would typically be a text or HTML component containing the code is used to display a navigator or menu result, such as a placeholder tag. This is added to the tag as the highlight=" " parameter.
- Select whether to apply the alternate design tag to the current content item, the parent site area, or any item being returned by a navigator. This is added to the tag as the type=" " parameter.
- When adding an alternate design to a menu design, only select type="current" or type="any" because site areas cannot be displayed in menus.
- When adding an alternate design to a navigator design, only use type="current" if the navigator has been configured to display content items.
- Click OK to add the tag to your navigator design.
Add parameters to the tag
Displaying different code for content items and site areas:
To display different code when returning content items or site areas in a menu or navigator use two alternate design tags. One for the content items and one for the site areas. For example:
[AlternateDesign highlight="./currentsiteareacomponent" normal="./othersiteareacomponent" type="sitearea"]
[AlternateDesign highlight="./currentcontentcomponent" normal="./othercontentcomponent" type="content"]
Parent Create web content tags