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Content seeding

Content seeding allows the user to create a page from a page template using their own custom content that works along side or completely replace the default content of a page template. Content seeding works in two different modes:

Seeded content structure

The recommended structure for seeded content is one site area per page. It is not recommended to use seeded content for more than one page, as path conflicts may occur. Content seeding should not be built in a hierarchy that matches the site hierarchy. All content from a given seeded content site area is copied when the page is created, so if the content is in a hierarchy it tries copy all the seeded content for a site at once. The content will then need to be copied again for the child site pages. This will cause performance issues when creating a site.

Content location

When using content seeding, consider whether the site template is created in the portal site library or a new or existing library. If we use the portal site library, the content is copied into existing pages. This can change the expected structure of the seeded content.

If you change the content location of a site with content seeding, the page might not be created correctly and the links on the page might need to be updated to match the new structure. For this reason, it is not recommended that you update the content location if content seeding is being used.

Parent topic: Site development with Site Builder