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Set user attributes to be passed to a web service Producer

We can set user attributes to be passed on to the web service Producer. The values for the selected attributes are passed on to the Producer when the portal users use the Producer's portlet. For example, if we select the attribute for user name, the user's name is passed on to the Producer. As a result, the Producer's portlet can address the portal users by their names. Setting user attributes is optional.

  1. In the New Producer or Edit Producer panel, click the advanced option I want to specify the user attributes that should be passed on to this Producer. The Web Service Configuration portlet displays the Set User Attributes panel. It shows a table that lists the available user attributes.

  2. Click the check boxes to select the user attributes to be passed on to the Producer.

  3. Click OK to save the selection, or click Cancel if we do not want to save your selection. The Web Service Configuration portlet returns to the previous panel.

What to do next

We configure user attributes that are passed on to Producers by default using the Configure option from the portlet menu.

Parent Create a Producer definition