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Set registration properties for web service Producers

On the Consumer portal, we can create registration properties for a web service Producer. These properties are passed on to the Producer during the registration. For example, they can provide information about your geographical location or the location of the users. The Producer can then adapt the web service to the location. If many of the users live near the mountains, a travel agent Producer might then provide information or offers for hiking or ski vacation. Setting registration properties is optional and only for Producers that require registration by the Consumer.

  1. Click the advanced option I want to enter registration properties for this Producer in the Edit Producer panel. Web Service Configuration displays the Set Registration Properties panel with the following options:

    • Two input fields New parameter and New value. Type the name and value for the new registration property.

    • An Add button to create the property.

    • A table that lists the registration properties of the web service configuration. The list has the following columns for each registration property:

      • The name of the property.

      • The value of the property.

      • An Edit icon. Use this icon to modify the value of the property.

      • A Delete icon. Use this icon to delete the property.

  2. Click OK to save the new property created, or click Cancel if we do not want to save the new property and return to the previous panel.

Parent Create a Producer definition