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Field descriptions for the Themes and Skins portlet

Field descriptions for adding a theme or skin

Theme name and default locale title

Name with which to refer to the new theme. Default locale title.

Theme directory name

Name of the directory in which the theme files are located. This value is equivalent to one of the directories in wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/wps.ear/wps.war/themes/markup_language/, where wp_profile_root is the installation location for the HCL WebSphere Portal Server profile, cell is the name of the WAS cell, and markup_language is the type of markup language we are using.

All skins

Select a skin from this list of available skins. Then, add the selected skin to the new theme.

Skins for this theme

Select a skin from this list of skins currently selected to belong to the new theme. Then, remove the selected skin from the new theme.

Set as default

Select a skin from the list of skins for the new theme. Then, click Set as default to set the selected skin as the default skin for the theme. If no skin is selected as the theme default, the portal-wide skin default is used.

Skin name

Name with which to refer to the new skin. Default locale title.

Skin directory name

Name of the directory in which the skin files are located. This value is equivalent to one of the directories in wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/wps.ear/wps.war/skins/markup_language/, where wp_profile_root is the installation location of the HCL WebSphere Portal Server profile, cell is the name of the WAS cell, and markup_language is the type of markup language we are using.

Field descriptions for editing a theme

All skins

Select a skin from this list of available skins. Then, add the selected skin to the theme.

Skins for this theme

Select a skin from this list of skins currently in the theme. Then, remove the selected skin from the theme.

Set as default

Select a skin from the list of skins in the theme. Then click the Set as default to set the selected skin as the default skin for the theme. If no skin is selected as the theme default, the portal-wide skin default is used. How to set a skin as the portal-wide default.

Parent Manage themes and skins