Make a copy of a portlet application
Because each JSR portlet Web module can only contain a single portlet application, we cannot perform this task on JSR standard portlet applications. We can create multiple copies of a JSR portlet inside that single application.
To make a copy of a portlet application.
- Click Copy from the appropriate row.
- Enter a new name for the portlet application copy or use the default copy name.
- Click OK to continue or Cancel to quit. If we click OK, a confirmation message displays stating the copy was successful.
The new portlet application contains a copy of each portlet that was in the original application. Initially, these portlets have the same titles as the portlets from which they were copied. We can select the copied portlet application, view the contained portlets by clicking on the title of the portlet application, and assign new titles, so that administrators can distinguish the copied portlets from the originals.
Parent Manage portlet applications