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Add a feed subscription

Subscribing to a web feed enables us to view the contents of the feed. To add a feed subscription:

  1. From the portlet menu, select Personalize, Edit Shared Settings, or Configure. The General tab is selected, by default.

  2. On the Subscriptions page, click Add.

  3. Select the Subscription option button.

  4. Enter the feed URL in the given text field.

  5. From the Select a category for the feed drop-down list, select the feed category in which to place the new feed subscription.

  6. To view the articles from this feed immediately, enable the Enable this feed immediately check box.

  7. To set the credentials for a feed that requires authentication to the host server, enable the This feed requires authentication check box. Further,

    1. Specify the type of authentication required for viewing the contents of the feed. The available options are - HTTP authentication and a Web page with a login form.

    2. Specify the relevant user name and password in the text fields.

    3. In case we want these credentials to provide authentication support to all the users, select the Shared option button.

  8. To configure additional, advanced options, select the This feed requires additional advanced options check box and enable the following settings, if required:

    • Override the default connection timeout - Select the Override the default connection timeout check box and specify the time in milliseconds after which the attempts to connect to the feed server should timeout.

    • Override the default blocking read timeout - Select the Override the default blocking read timeout check box and specify the time in milliseconds after which the blocking reads for this feed should timeout.

    • Override the default cache control - Select this option to override the default cache control by specifying in the given text field, the name of the HTTP cookies that should be sent from the inbound portal request when connecting to the feed.

  9. Click OK.

Parent Work with feed subscriptions

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Import feeds