HCL DX roadmap: Migrate a clustered environment to HCL DX 9.5
Plan for migration
- Review supported migration paths.
- Create a back up and recovery plan for data on all tiers of deployment.
- Remove unsupported or deprecated features before starting migration.
- Review staging to production
- Plan for a remote migration if the source and target environments are on separate systems.
Prepare the source portal environment
- Apply the latest cumulative fix and one of the two most recent fix packs
- Review considerations for multiple cluster environments that use different database credentials.
- Copy the source portal server JCR and Release domains.
Set up the target portal environment
- The target environment should use the same ports as the source environment.
- Copy the files required for custom applications.
- Install the Portal and WebSphere binary files on all target systems.
- Apply the latest cumulative fix and the most recent fix pack
- Install interim fix PI50840.
Migrate to the latest version of HCL DX
Start the Configuration Wizard to migrate data, applications, databases, property files, security settings, and more.
- During a cluster migration, we might need to enter information into the Configuration Wizard more than once.
Field Value Deployment manager host name Deployment manager cell name Deployment manager node name Administrator user name Administrator password Soap port
- Apply the most recent cumulative fix for the wizard.
- Access the Configuration Wizard using the target environment and system host name.
- Log in as admin ID for the configuration wizard profile: cw_profile
- Select...
Migrate to a New Version > Migrate a Cluster Step 1: Migrate the Deployment Manager Profile
- Provide information about the environment.
- Save the wizard settings.
- To run the steps on the deployment manager click
Download Configuration Scripts
- After completing the steps from Step 1, select...
Migrate to a New Version > Migrate a Cluster Step 2: Migrate Node Profiles
- Provide information about the environment.
- Save the wizard settings.
- Choose one of the following options:
- To run the steps remotely click...
Download Configuration Scripts
- To run the steps locally click
Start Configuration
This option starts to run the automated steps until a manual step is encountered.
- Complete these steps on all nodes.
- After completing the steps for Step 2, select...
Migrate to a New Version > Migrate a Cluster Step 3: Upgrade Node Profiles
- Provide information about the environment.
- Save the wizard settings.
- Choose one of the following options:
- To run the steps remotely click:
Download Configuration Scripts
- To run the steps locally click:
Start Configuration
This option runs the automated steps until a manual step is encountered.
- Complete these steps on all nodes
Next steps
Migration is not complete until you review the Next steps section in the product documentation. Complete the post-migration activities and enabling new functionality tasks that are applicable to the environment. Do not complete any of the enabling new functionality tasks until all post-migration activities tasks are finished. More tasks must be completed depending on how you customized the source portal environment and which components we used. For example, if we use a virtual portal, then complete the virtual portal post-migration activities. New functionality that was not available in the earlier portal version requires extra attention after migration is complete.
After completing the tasks in the Next steps section of the product documentation, migration is complete.
Parent topic: HCL DX Roadmaps for migration