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Edit the metadata of a media asset | HCL Digital Asset Management

This section shows how users to edit the embedded metadata of a media asset in HCL Digital Asset Management. Notes:

View/edit the embedded metadata of a media asset

Follow these steps to view/edit the embedded metadata of a media asset:

  1. Click a Collection.

  2. Click a media asset to see its embedded metadata.

  3. To edit, hover over the media asset and click the Edit (pencil icon).

  4. Select and click any of the following right side menu options to view/edit the media asset metadata:

    • Information - Presents asset name, title, type, size, description and options to preview the display of the image media asset. We can also view/edit the Title , Description , Custom URL , and Keywords of the media asset.

    • Insights - Displays the Collection folder location(s) where this image is placed, and the last associated modification dates.
    • Versions - Presents multiple versions of the asset that have been saved. We can also use this feature to view versions of media asset renditions.

  5. Click Save. A notification shows media asset informatuin is updated successfully.

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Parent topic: HCL Digital Asset Management