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IBM i: Configuring developer mode

Use developer mode to improve startup performance, and to configure HCL WebSphere Portal for development. Developer mode is for a development environment only. Do not use the developer mode in a production environment. We can also run the optimize-derby-database task to improve the Derby database performance.

  • For the JVM the initial heap size is set to 768 MB to reduce the amount of garbage collection during startup.
  • Portlets and web applications are activated on first access and not at the startup.

Some of the portlets and applications are required at startup. Create a white list which contains the list of applications required at startup. To add applications to the white list, modify...


Add a line such as App_name, where App_name is the name of the application. To get a list of available applications...

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Stop the WebSphere_Portal server..

  3. Change to the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

  4. Run the ConfigEngine.sh optimize-derby-database task to improve the performance of the Derby database.

    This task is appropriate only in a demonstration or development environment that is not configured to use WCM. We can also run the optimize-derby-database task after large data changes in the database.

  5. Start the WebSphere_Portal server.

  6. Run...

      ConfigEngine.sh enable-develop-mode-startup-performance -DWasPassword=foo

  7. Restart the WebSphere_Portal server to propagate the change.

  8. Prepare the remote web server for the developer mode.

What to do next

To revert to a production server.

    ConfigEngine.sh disable-develop-mode-startup-performance -DWasPassword=foo

Then, stop and restart the WebSphere_Portal server to propagate the change.

We can run the disable-develop-mode-startup-performance task for the following scenarios:

  • When we are done developing the portal and portlets.

  • If the development settings are not adequate for a special development situation.

  • When we cannot re-create a problem on the development server.

Parent Change to developer mode

Related tasks:

Application server settings