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Add static resources to a skin

We can add images, URLs, and other static resources to your skin. When creating a file for the skin on the /fs-type1/ entry point, there is a link that shows this file through the /skinlist/ entry point. This link makes it possible to use the path defined to the image as skinlist instead of fs-type1. We can still use an absolute path to the /fs-type1/ entry point if we want, such as...

    <img src="http://server_name:port/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1/skins/myskin/images/logo.png"/>

  1. Mount the /fs-type1/ WebDAV entry point with the WebDAV client:


    If we changed the wps folder, replace it with the WpsContextRoot value.

  2. Add images or other static resources to the skin.

    1. Copy the required static resources, such as images or JavaScript files, into the root directory of the skin in WebDAV.

    2. Organize the files in subdirectories as necessary.

    3. Use server relative or absolute URLs to reference the resources in the skin.html file. For example, if you create a folder named /images containing a file named logo.png, use the following references:

        Server relative URL
        <img src="/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/skinlist/myskin/images/logo.png"/>

        Absolute URL
        <img src="http://server_name:port/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/skinlist/myskin/images/logo.png"/>

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