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Uninstalling theme PAA files

We can uninstall theme PAA files that you no longer want to use. We can uninstall theme PAA files using the Configuration Wizard or using the command line. To uninstall using the Configuration Wizard, learn more about how to Install and uninstall add-ons using the Configuration Wizard. Use the following steps to uninstall using the command line.

  1. Change the directory to wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine.

  2. Run the following commands, where YourThemeName is the unique name of your theme:

    • Windows

        ConfigEngine.bat remove-paa -DappName=YourThemeNamePAA -DforceUninstall=true
        ConfigEngine.bat uninstall-paa -DappName=YourThemeNamePAA -DforceUninstall=true
    • Linux

        ConfigEngine.sh remove-paa -DappName=YourThemeNamePAA -DforceUninstall=true
        ConfigEngine.sh uninstall-paa -DappName=YourThemeNamePAA -DforceUninstall=true

The theme PAA file is no longer installed on the server.

Parent topic: Theme PAA files