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Head contribution

The head folder contains files served as head contribution through the resource aggregator framework. Those resources appear in the head tag of the markup served to the browser.

Folder: /module-id/head

The following section provides a complete list of supported files within the head section.


    Files stored in this directory are served in the head section.


      JavaScript files are served in alphabetical order. They are grouped by file name and if they have the same name they belong to the same group. Within this group, the following extension variations exist. There are two sets of six resources. The sets cannot be mixed.


        Main compressed JavaScript content.


        Main debug JavaScript content.


        Defines the compressed JavaScript to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Debug JavaScript to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Defines the compressed JavaScript content for a specific language. Replace locale and with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.


        Debug JavaScript content for a specific language. Replace locale and with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.

      The following group is an alternative. Use either of these variation group, but we cannot mix them.


        The following group is an alternative. Use either of these variation group, but we cannot mix them.


        Main compressed JavaScript content.


        Main debug JavaScript content.


        Defines the compressed JavaScript to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Debug JavaScript to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Defines the compressed JavaScript content for a specific language. Replace locale and with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.


        Debug JavaScript content for a specific language. Replace locale and with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.


      CSS files are served in alphabetical order. They are grouped by file name. If they have the same name, they belong to the same group. Within a group, the following extension variations exist. There are two sets of six resources. The sets cannot be mixed.


        Main compressed CSS content.


        Main debug CSS content.


        Defines the compressed CSS to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Debug CSS to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Defines the compressed CSS content for a specific language. Replace locale and with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.


        Debug CSS content for a specific language. Replace locale and with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.


        The following group is an alternative. Use either of these variation group, but we cannot mix them.


        Main compressed CSS content.


        Main debug CSS content.


        Defines the compressed CSS to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Debug CSS to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Defines the compressed CSS content for a specific language. Replace locale and with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.


        Debug CSS content for a specific language. Replace locale and with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.


      HTML files are served in alphabetical order. They are grouped by file name and if they have the same name they belong to the same group. Within a group, the following extension variations exist.


        Main HTML content.


        Defines the HTML to be used for right-to-left languages.


        Defines the HTML content for a specific language. Replace locale with the local representing code for the location. For example, for the United States, use en_us.


      This optional directory scopes the resources by device class. Use one individual device class, but it has no equation support for the directory or the files in it. We can scope the contribution to a particular device class when the incoming request is recognized as a device class name. This contribution can include JavaScript, HTML, or CSS. See the previous sections for more information.

Parent Simple modules