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Pre-defined public render parameters representing portal state

Pre-defined public render parameters that represent portal-specific state information are available in all lifecycle methods of the portlet:

  • processAction
  • processEvent
  • render
  • serveResource

During rendering, we can create portlet URLs that address these parameters.

The following table lists all predefined public render parameters and explains their semantics. All of them represent portal-specific state information and are part of the following namespace:



Local name Example Value (String array) Description
selection Serialized ObjectID
Unique name of page
[Z6_0000000AGKJ0G3RCD00] Read/write access to portal page selection information in the navigational state. Create portlet URLs to portal pages, read the page selection, or modify it during action/event processing.
URI Serialized URI [pm:oid:Z3_SASD8732DSG3RCD00] Address portal resources that use POC URIs. Create portlet URLs that address an arbitrary portal resource through its POC URI.
locale Serialized locale [en] Read/write access to locale information in the navigational state. Address a certain locale through a portlet URL, read the locale information from the state, or modify it during action/event processing.
themeTemplate Template name [Plain] Read/write access to theme template used during rendering. Create portlet URLs that enforce a certain theme template used for rendering the addressed portal page. The parameter can also be used to read the theme template information from the state or modify it during action / event processing.
editMode Serialized boolean value [true] Read/write access to state of the page edit mode. True means that page edit mode is active; a value of false indicates that it is inactive. Create portlet URLs that address page edit mode, read the state of the page edit mode or modify it during action/event processing.
infoMode Serialized boolean value [false] Read/write access to state of the page information mode. True means that page information mode is active; a value of false indicates that it is inactive. Create portlet URLs that address page information mode, read the state of the page edit information mode or modify it during action/event processing.
showTools Serialized boolean value [true] Read/write access to the state of the site toolbar; a value of true means the toolbar is opened, a value of false indicates that it is closed. Create portlet URLs to open / close the toolbar, read the toolbar state, or modify it during action/event processing.

Parent Predefined public render parameters