Define portlet communication capabilities
Standard portlets provide powerful publish and subscribe mechanisms for exchanging information using an action such as semantic invocation. These mechanisms can be used to exchange complex data between portlets and to trigger portlet activity such as updates to back-end systems.
- JSR 286 portlet events based communications
Portlet events provide a powerful and flexible publish/subscribe mechanism for communication between JSR 286 portlets. They can be used to exchange complex data between portlets and to trigger portlet activity such as updates to back end systems. In the portal, they can also interoperate with other communication mechanisms such as Cooperative portlets and click-to-action.
- JSR 168 IBM extension for cooperative portlets
Cooperative portlets represent an IBM specific API for publish/subscribe communication between portlets.
- Interoperability between JSR 286 portlet events and JSR 168 cooperative portlets
By concept, cooperative portlets are similar to JSR 286 portlet events. Both concepts describe publish/subscribe communication patterns based on typed information that is published and received by portlets and propagated via communication links.