Work with dynamic content spots
Dynamic content spots are hook points in the static markup of theme files that inject more markup at that spot on the page using any URI known to the system, for instance, a server-side component such as JSP or servlet. For example...
<a rel="dynamic-content" href="dyn-cs:id:newDynamicContentSpotName"></a>
To include a theme JSP directly:
<a rel="dynamic-content" href="res:/CustomThemeContext/themes/html/MyTheme/dynamicContent.jsp"></a>
The dynamic content spot mappings can be defined...
- As part of the module definition using the ref-id attribute on a dyn-cs contribution type
- Defined for the theme and skin templates in WP DynamicContentSpotMappings
Frequently used dynamic content spots
Use the Theme Analyzer's Contribution Explorer to see all provided dynamic content spots.
Content spots
co:config Start the combiner data source, which injects the config markup identified in the module profile
co:head Start the combiner data source, which injects the head markup identified in the module profile.
85theme_asa Site analytics extension
85theme_commonActions Common actions on the banner, Actions, Login, Logout. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots_85 res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/commonActions.jsp
85theme_crumbTrail Navigation breadcrumb trail to display the page selection path. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/crumbTrail.jsp?rootClass=wpthemeCrumbTrail&startLevel=2
85theme_footer Footer of the page. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/footer.jsp
85theme_head HTML head element that provides the document title, styles, bookmark icon. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/head.jsp
85theme_layout Layout of the page. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots lm:template
85theme_mobileNav Navigation used on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots mvc:smartphone/tablet@res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/mobileNavigation.jsp
85theme_pageModeToggle Edit Mode and View mode buttons in the theme that is seen when the project menu is off. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots zmc:wp_toolbar@res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/pageModeToggle.jsp
85theme_primaryNav Navigation in the banner, second level of navigation. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots mvc:res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/navigation.jsp?rootClass=wpthemePrimaryNav%2520wpthemeLeft&startLevel=1,smartphone@,tablet@
85theme_secondaryNav Navigation in the subthat is, third level of navigation. Defined in module: wp_dynamicContentSpots
85theme_sideNav Nested side navigation started at the third level. Defined in module wp_dynamicContentSpots mvc:res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/sideNavigation.jsp?startLevel=2,smartphone@,tablet@
85theme_status wp_dynamicContentSpots mc:wp_status_bar@res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/status.jsp
Area located with the page layout that displays status, warning, and error messages to the user
85theme_topNav Defined in module: wp_dynamicContentSpots res:/wps/defaultTheme85/themes/html/dynamicSpots/navigation.jsp?rootClass=wpthemeHeaderNav&startLevel=0&primeRoot=true
Navigation in the theme header, first level of navigation
wp_toolbar_dynspot Defined in module: wp_toolbar. The tabbed toolbar at the beginning of the page while in edit mode wp_project_menu_dynspot Defined in module: wp_project_menu. The project drop-down menu in the theme header wp_search_mobile_dynspot Defined in module: wp_searchbar. Search input displayed on the subthat is wp_preview_dynspot Defined in module: wp_preview. End Preview button at the beginning of the page when previewing the page as a different user wp_analytics_dynspot Defined in module: wp_analytics Provides the site analytics extension wp_analytics_head_dynspot Defined in module: wp_analytics. Provides the site analytics head extension Content spot values
lm:control Renders the layout control body. lm:title Renders the title of the portlet. lm:description Renders the description of the portlet. Outputs the markup <span ></span> to allow page to position itself at a particular portlet markup with a fragment identifier. wp_analytics_portlet_dynspot Defined in Module: wp_analytics. Provides the site analytics extension for portlets
Modify the dynamic content spot
- Dynamic content spots defined through module wp_dynamicContentSpots are part of the default theme and is cloned when creating our own theme. Rename the module in the theme, update the reference in the profile, and then we can change the values of the dynamic content spots.
- System dynamic content spots such as wp_search_dynspot can be changed by overriding dynamic content spots with the module framework. For example, we can create a module that redefines this dynamic content spot that requires the core module wp_search. Your dynamic content spot reference is used as a result.
Parent Dynamic content spotsRelated tasks:
Create a dynamic content spot with resource environment providers