Manual Step: Disabling friendly URL redirects
The Modify Site URLs for SEO option in the Configuration Wizard includes manual steps. For reference only, we can see the details of the manual step for disabling friendly URL redirects. To view this step in the Configuration Wizard, select No to wanting navigational state information in your URL. Optional manual step: Disable friendly URL redirects. If the incoming URL does not contain the friendly URL prefix of the addressed page, a URL redirect adds state information to the URL. Use the following steps to disable URL redirects, set the custom property friendly.redirect.enabled to the value false in the Resource Environment Provider (REP) WPConfigService in the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
- Log in to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
- Click Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers.
- Find the WP ConfigService Resource Environment Provider.
- Select WP ConfigService > Custom properties.
- Find the property friendly.redirect.enabled and set the value to false If this property does not exist, add it as a new custom property and set the value to false.
- Apply the changes and save them to the Master Configuration.
If the property is not listed there, add it and set it to false. For information about this property and how to set it, see the topics Configuration service and Setting service configuration properties.
For information about this property and how to set it, see the topics Configuration Service and Set service configuration properties.
Parent Manual Steps: Modify Site URLs for SEO