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Database properties for the Solution Installer

Some Portal Application Archive (PAA) files require access to an external database. The database properties are stored in either the assemblyName.properties file for the assembly or in the componentName.properties file of the component requiring database support. The Solution Installer uses the following database properties:

    dbName Ideally specified in default.properties, especially DB name is explicitly included in the table population scripts.
    Derby 1527
    DB2 50000
    Oracle 1521
    SQL Server 1433
    DbHostname The host name or IP address of the server hosting the database.
    Derby derby
    DB2 db2
    Oracle oracle
    SQL Server SQL Server
    Derby wpdbJDBC_derby
    DB2 wpdbJDBC_db2
    Oracle wpdbJDBC_oracle
    SQL Server wpdbJDBC_sqlserver
    dbDriverType Connection pool data source
    dbUsername The username for connecting to the database.
    dbPassword The password for connecting to the database.
    Derby org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
    DB2 com.ibm.db2.cc.DB2Driver
    Oracle oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    SQL Server com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
    Derby ${WasHome}/derby/lib
    DB2 ${WasHome}/deploytool/itp/plugins/${dbPlugin}/driver
    Oracle {$ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc/lib/
    SQL Server installation_directory/sqljdbc_2.0/enu
    Derby ${dbDriverPath}/derby.jar:${dbDriverPath}/derbyclient.jar
    DB2 ${dbDriverPath}/db2jcc4.jar:${dbDriverPath}/db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar:${dbDriverPath}/db2jcc_license_cu.jar
    Oracle ${dbDriverPath}/ojdbc6.jar
    SQL Server installation_directory/sqljdbc_2.0/enu/sqljdbc4.jar
    Derby jdbc:${dbType}:${dbName}
    DB2 jdbc:${dbType}://${dbHostname}:${dbPort}/${dbName}
    Oracle jdbc:${dbType}:thin:@${dbHostname}:${dbPort}:${dbName}
    SQL Server jdbc:sqlserver://hostname:$ {DbPort};SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=tbmesg
    dbJndiName JNDI name that will be used for a component.
    Derby Derby JDBC Driver DataSource
    DB2 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver DataSource
    Oracle Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource
    SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver - XA DataSource

    Derby Derby JDBC Provider
    DB2 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider
    Oracle Oracle JDBC Driver Provider
    SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver

    dsDbDriverType Database driver type the data source connects to. Valid values are 2 and 4.
    dataSourceName Data Source name will be used for the component.
    dbAuthDataAlias Authentication Alias.
    db.connectionTimeout Interval, in seconds, after which a connection request times out and a ConnectionWaitTimeoutException is thrown. Default value is 180.
    db.maxConnections Maximum number of physical connections we can create in this pool. Default value is 30.
    db.reapTime Interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread. Default value is 120.
    db.agedTimeout Interval in seconds before a physical connection is discarded. Default value is 1800.

Parent Create a Portal Application Archive (PAA) file