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How administrators define persistent session options

As an administrator, we can configure the persistent session behavior

We do this by setting the following properties:

persistent.session.option Whether the login portlet displays a check box that enables the user to decide whether to resume the session or not.
persistent.session.level Which navigational state information should be restored when resuming the session. The administrator can choose from three predefined levels.
timeout.resume.session = (false) Whether resuming the session after a session timeout requires user authentication. Default is false. If false and the user tries to continue working after a session timeout, the portal shows an error message stating the session has timed out and the user has to log in again. If true, the portal ignores the session timeout and does not show the error message. The user can resume the previous session without authentication and continue to work. In both cases the previous session is resumed according to the setting of the persisted.session.level property described previously.

Set these properties in the portal Configuration Service as described in Set service configuration properties.

See also

Parent Configure user session persistence