Tagging and rating
Get an overview of the administrative tasks related to tagging and rating.
Attention: To use tagging and rating with your virtual portal, ensure that the web resource v7.0 and web content templates 3.0 libraries exist on the virtual portal. Portal administrators can do the following tasks:
- Enable or disable tagging and rating for portal users. Tagging and rating are enabled in the HCL WebSphere Portal Portal 8.5 theme. We can disable and enable tagging and rating globally for the portal as a whole.
To do so, use the following configuration properties:
- To disable and enable tagging portal wide, use the property com.ibm.wps.cp.tagging.isTaggingEnabled.
- To disable and enable rating portal wide, use the property com.ibm.wps.cp.rating.isRatingEnabled.
These properties are available in the WP CP configuration service Resource Environment Provider in the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. For details about portal service configuration properties and how to set them refer to the topics about Portal configuration services and Setting service configuration properties.
- Add custom content that users can tag and rate, for example, pages, portlets, content that is managed by Web Content Manager, or custom content such as books in a bookstore.
Note: If we want the users to tag and rate custom content, we must write code. The code must allow customers to find this content with the public APIs. We must also add the resources that we want the users to tag to the portal. Custom content is anything apart from portlets, portal pages, and Web Content Manager resources. For information, read Enabling our own custom content to be tagged and rated.
- Assign access rights to users for tagging and rating content. For details, read Security for tagging and rating.
- Administer the tag clouds. Administrators can set multiple parameters that affect the tag cloud. Two examples are described here in detail. For a list of the possible tag cloud parameters, read The tagging and rating user interface and the tagging and rating reference topics.
- Scope tag clouds to the kind of resources for which we want tags to be displayed. A default tag cloud displays all tags that users applied in the portal. Administrators can change this behavior. For example, we can limit a tag cloud to display tags that were applied only to pages, portlets, or books. You scope tag clouds by setting either categories or type schemas for them. The tag cloud represents only portal content that matches the categories or type schemas that you specified. We can scope each single tag cloud instance differently. Scoping tag clouds also affects the result lists of resources that are shown when users click a tag. The result list shows only resources of the scoped type. For example, if a tag cloud is scoped to the type photo, the result list shows only photo images.
- Configure the tag cloud behavior. Tag clouds can react differently to tag clicks:
- Either the user is redirected to the portal Tag Center and a result list of resources is displayed to which this tag was applied is displayed.
- Or the tag cloud shows the clicked tags as shared render parameters, so that, for example, other portlets on the same page can display corresponding content.
- Stage a tagspace to a different portal system, for example, when you move the portal to a staging server or upgrading the portal to a new version. For details about how to do so, read Using the XML configuration interface to administer tags and ratings.
- Obtain statistics about the tagging and rating behavior of the portal users.
- Administrators can also do all tasks that portal users can do as described in the topics about portal user tasks.
- Introduction to tagging and rating
- What is new in tagging and rating
- How tagging and rating works in the portal
- The tagging and rating user interface
- Tagging and rating for static pages
- Enabling our own custom content for tagging and rating
- Federating tags
- Configuration reference for tagging and rating
- Security for tagging and rating
- Use the XML configuration interface to administer tags and ratings
- Hints and tips for tagging and rating
- CP Configuration Service for tagging and rating
- Set service configuration properties
- Enabling our own custom content for tagging and rating
- Security for tagging and rating
- Use the XML configuration interface to administer tags and ratings