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Other queries

We can add other query parameters, for example for related tags.

The query for related tags can be useful to search for related content, that is for resources that are or can be similar to a given resource. Resources are considered to be similar if they share at least one tag with a given resource.

Example: To search for resources r2 . . . rn related to a resource r1, you determine the tags of resource r1 and hand them over to the following query:


This query returns a feed containing all tags related to the tag names or set of tags specified. The query results in a list of all tags assigned to all resources that have been assigned at least one of the tags that resource r1 has also been assigned. In other words, This query lists all tags of all similar or related resources r2 . . . rn. We can now use this list to query for all these listed resources r2...rn.

  • Type-ahead with the deprecated tag widget
    The tag widget from earlier HCL WebSphere Portal versions provided a query for the type-ahead feature. With portal V 8.5, that tag widget is deprecated. The type-ahead feature makes it easier for users to find suitable tags. Type-ahead supports users when they work with tags. For example, when users apply tags using the tag widget, or when they search for tags, for example using the open search functionality, type-ahead provides users suggestions for tags that other users have applied already before. Type-ahead can also help reduce the number of variants of tags.

  • Search suggestions for tag names
    To make search for tag names by users easier, search suggestions provide suggestions for tag names as they appear in the tag cloud and in the tag result portlet.

  • Querying for the OpenSearch description document
    We can query for the OpenSearch description document.

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