
Search Tips   |   Advanced Search

Configure the default location for search collections

The default directory location under which search collections are created is as follows:


This default can be applied when creating a new search collection, depending on the value specified in the entry field...

    Location of Collection

...when creating a search collection:

  • If we type a relative directory location of the choice, the location for the new search collection is combined from the default directory for search locations and the location that you type. For example, if we type...


    ...the new search collection is created under the directory...


  • To create the search collection in a location different from the default search collection location, type the full directory location.

    The new search collection is created under the directory location specified.

We can customize this default directory location under which search collections are created. Set value for parameter DefaultCollectionsDirectory to the directory location. We configure this parameter for each search service separately. The value set for this parameter is prefixed to the relative location specified when creating a search collection for that search service. If we set up a remote search service, for example for a cluster, then this parameter is mandatory. We must configure the default location for search collections to a directory on the remote server that has write access.

Configure a different default search collection location

  1. Click...

    To customize the default collection location for an existing search service, click the Edit icon for that search service.

  2. Set the value of the choice for the parameter DefaultCollectionsDirectory for the search service.

    The value set for this parameter is prefixed to the relative location specified when creating a search collection. For details about the value, refer to the previous description.

  3. Click OK to save the updates. Manage Search returns to the Search Services panel.

The directory location specified can be on a different hard disk drive or workstation.

If we change the value for the DefaultCollectionsDirectory parameter, do all of the following steps:

  • Set a full directory path, for example...


  • On the specified hard disk drive, create the directory specified as the value for the DefaultCollectionsDirectory parameter.

  • Manage the write access to the directory to enable creation of search collections in that directory.

The value set for this parameter is used only if during the creation of a new search collection specified a relative directory for the location of the new search collection.

If we specify a full directory for the location of the search collection, the collection is created in that directory. In this case, the value set for the default directory under the search service has no effect. Instead, it is overwritten by the full directory location specified for the search collection.

The initial default directory is created during the installation. The process has write access to this default directory.

The default site collection that is part of the installation is created under the default directory.

Creation of the site collection is started when we navigate to the Manage Search portlet. If we created the site collection by navigating to the Manage Search portlet before we changed the default directory for the collection location, we might want to relocate the site collection to the new default directory.

The file path length for search collections on UNIX machinesis limited to 118 characters. If this limit is exceeded, the collection cannot be created. In this case specify a shorter value for the parameter DefaultCollectionsDirectory.

Parent Administer Portal Search

Related tasks:

  1. Reset the default search collection
  2. The portal site search collection fails
  3. Tips for using Portal Search