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Configure web server security

For security reasons, the portal search seedlist by default redirects to HTTPs. Therefore, configure the web server for HTTPs. For information about how to do this, go to the Installing section of the HCL WebSphere Portal documentation. Select the appropriate operating system for the installation, and then the subsection for a stand-alone or clustered environment. Then, select the topic about Preparing a remote Web server.

What to do next

If we do not want to provide HTTPs security for the portal search seedlist, we can configure portal search to use HTTP only. To do this, run the configuration task action-modify-servlet-transport-guarantee-none-wp.search.servlets/seedlist/servletEAR. Use the following syntax, depending on the environment:

    ./ConfigEngine.sh action-modify-servlet-transport-guarantee-none-wp.search.servlets/seedlist/servletEAR -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo

For the updates to take effect, restart the portal server.

Parent Security considerations