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Search Portlets Search

Search administration portlet Manage Search

Manage Search is the Portal Search administration portlet and includes...

    Search Services Use default search services, or add search services. For example, for remote or cluster search.
    Manage search collections Combine content sources of different types in one search collection
    Manage search scopes. Limit search results to specific content locations and specific document types
    Manage custom links Add links search locations to web search engines such as Google or Yahoo!
    Search and browse a search collection Edit documents or delete documents.

Search Center portlet for search by users

The Search Center portlet is made available to users for searching content sources for which they have access permission rights. The Search Center portlet is installed as part of the default portal installation. It is deployed and placed on a hidden portal page. The portal takes users to the Search Center when they enter a search using the portal Search Box.

Starting with HCL WebSphere Portal v8 the Search and Browse portlet provided with earlier portal versions is no longer available. The Search Center has been enhanced with advanced search options previously available in the Search and Browse portlet. Categorization and taxonomy are no longer available.

By default both the Search Center portlet and the Search box are available only to authenticated users. Anonymous users cannot use the Search Center.

The Portal Search portlets cannot be provided as WSRP services, as some additional and more advanced HCL WebSphere Portal concepts and features are not yet reflected by the current WSRP standard. This includes the Portal Search portlets Manage Search and the Search Center.

Parent Portal Search


  1. Administer Portal Search
  2. Manage search scopes and custom links
  3. Enable anonymous users to search public pages of the portal
  4. Customize the Search Center
  5. Configure the Suggested Links view
  6. Configure the External Search Results portlet
  7. Tips for using Portal Search