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Configure logout handling

When a user logs out of HCL WebSphere Portal, a log out from SAP NetWeaver Portal needs to be performed as well. Otherwise, the user session on the SAP NetWeaver Portal remains open until it times out.

We configure automatic log out from SAP NetWeaver Portal when a user logs out of HCL WebSphere Portal. To perform this configuration, insert the following JavaScript function into the theme and call it on click of the logout link. Replace your_sap_portal_host and port with the values for the SAP NetWeaver Portal host and port.

function logoffFinalCall() {
    if (document.cookie.length>0) {
      if (isCookieExisting != -1) 
         var lnDotPos = document.domain.indexOf( "." );           
         if(lnDotPos>=0)document.domain = document.domain.substr(lnDotPos+1);
             var logoffForm = document.createElement("form");
         var logoffParam = document.createElement("input");
         logoffParam.name = "Command";
         logoffParam.value = "LOGOFF";
         var logoffParam2 = document.createElement("input");
         logoffParam2.name = "Autoclose";
         logoffParam2.value = "1000";
         //This component logs the user out of SAP NetWeaver portal.
         logoffForm.action = "http://your_sap_portal_host:port/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.portal.dsm.Terminator";
             logoffForm.method = "post";
         logoffForm.target = "_blank";
   }    }

Replace the variables as follows:

    Replace this variable with the name of the SSO cookie for the SAP NetWeaver Portal.

    Replace this variable with the fully qualified URL to the SAP NetWeaver Portal.

    Replace this variable with the port of the SAP NetWeaver Portal.

Parent Configure Integrator for SAP

Related tasks:

Complete the configuration