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Portlet preferences in portlet bean

It is possible to get and set preferences to portlet instances. Because Portlet beans specify a static portlet only, and not a portlet instance that is found on a page, portlet instances are identified by two ID values: The ID of the portlet that specifies the portlet, and the ID of the portlet entity piid that anchors an instance of the portlet in a page.

The command prefnames is used to obtain a list of available preference names. Portlet preferences might have multiple values. The command getpref therefore accepts a numeric index attribute. The numeric index attribute denotes the number of the value to be obtained. For example, 0 means to return the first preference value, 1 means to return the second value. The total number of available preference values for a specific preference name is returned by the prefcount command.

The addpref command is used to add a portlet preference value to the portlet preference list. We can set portlet preferences to read-only, we can control this setting with the commands spprof (Set Portlet Preference Read-only Flag) and gpprof (Get Portlet Preference Read-only Flag). Jython example:

Jacl example:

The portlet is identified by two ID values: The ID of the portlet and the ID of the portlet entity. We can obtain the ID of the portlet entity by the command $Layout get piid or Layout.get("piid"). Jython example:

Jacl example:

Dependent on the standard that the portlet complies with, there are differences in the handling of portlet preferences. We can set multiple preference values on a preference key with standard portlets, while IBM portlets support only single values on each portlet preference key.

Parent topic: Portlet repository