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Search pages

By selecting a search type in Manage Pages, we can locate and work with pages, labels, or URLs.

Follow these instructions to search for an item.

  1. Click...

      Administration | Portal User Interface | Manage Pages | Search by drop-down | search type

  2. Enter the search parameters in the Search field and click Search.

    Searches for users or user groups can be case-sensitive, depending on the attributes used.

    Search Types:

    The following is a list of some search types that can be selected from the Search by: drop-down menu. The search types available depend on the resource type used.

    Title starts with Search on the beginning of a string in the title. Default.
    Title contains Search on a string in the title.
    Name starts with Search on the beginning of a string in the name.
    Name contains Search on a string in the name.
    Keyword starts with Search on the beginning of a keyword.
    Keyword contains Search on a keyword.
    Description starts with Search on the beginning of a string in the description.
    Description contains Search on a string in description.
    Unique Name contains Search on a string in the unique name.
    Markup supported Search the beginning of a string in the markup type. Returns a list of pages that support that markup.
    Label Search on a URL context label.
    Attributes Search on a user or group attribute.
    Last modified Search by items modified on or since a specific date. The input is expected in YYYY MM DD format.
    All available Return a listing of all items. No input is required.

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