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Manage Portal Scripting Interface in the cluster

The Portal Scripting Interface enables the creation of administrative tasks that administrators can run from a command line. Prepare the cluster to manage Portal Scripting Interface.

  1. Complete the following steps before we use the Portal Scripting Interface for the first time:

    1. Verify that the wp.wire.jar file is present in the AppServer_root/lib directory on the deployment manager workstation.

    2. If the file is not present, copy the file from the AppServer_root/lib directory on any HCL WebSphere Portal node to the AppServer_root/lib directory on the deployment manager workstation.

    3. Restart the deployment manager.

  2. For z/OS : Before using the Portal Scripting Interface for the first time:

    1. Mount the SMP/E home directory of HCL WebSphere Portal, read only, on your deployment manager node.

    2. Edit job EJPSSEWL with the SMP/E home directory of HCL WebSphere Portal for #EJPSMPH# and with the WebSphere Application Server home directory of the deployment manager node for #ASWASH#.
    3. Submit the job on the deployment manager node.
    4. Upon completion, examine the job output. Success is indicated with "rc=0" in the job output.

    5. Restart the deployment manager.

  3. Connect the scripting client to the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment SOAP port:Where:

    • ND SOAP Port is the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment workstation's SOAP connector-address.

      To find the SOAP port, on the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, clickSystem administration > Deployment Manager > Ports > SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS.

      For example, if we are running wpscript on a workstation that is part of a cell that is managed by a deployment manager, the SOAP port might be 8881.

    • user is the WebSphere Application Server administrative user name.
    • password is the administrative user password.

    Operating system Task
    Windows wpscript.bat -port ND SOAP Port -user user -password password
    AIX HP-UXLinux Solaris ./wpscript.sh -port ND SOAP Port -user user -password password
    IBM i wpscript.sh -port ND SOAP Port -user user -password password
    z/OS ./wpscript.sh -port ND SOAP Port -user user -password password

    Note: We must be logged in using the WebSphere administrative user ID.

Parent topic: Manage the cluster