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Configure the profiling parameter on the page with the Syndicated Feed Portlet

We must configure the full profiling parameter on the page on which we deployed the Syndicated Feed Portlet.

  1. Create the page on which to deploy the Syndicated Feed Portlet. Make sure the page inherits the portal default theme.

  2. Deploy the Syndicated Feed Portlet on that page.

  3. Locate the page in the Manage pages portlet.

  4. Click Edit Page Properties for the page.

  5. Click Advanced options.

  6. Click I want to set parameters.

  7. Add the new parameter and value as follows:

    • New parameter: resourceaggregation.profile

    • New value: Enter the profile override for the page, for example profiles/profile_full.json.

  8. Click Add.

  9. Click OK to save the new parameter.

  10. Click OK to save the changes to the page properties.

Parent Client side aggregation (CSA) rendering in IBM Syndicated Feed Portlet