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History manager for pages

The history manager allows us to control for how many visited pages navigational state we want to tracked. In other words it controls the maximum number of pages whose state is contained in the portal URLs. The visited pages are tracked within the navigational state in a LRU algorithm based way. The history manager provides a configurable threshold to define the maximum number of pages that are tracked. If the number of different tracked pages exceeds that threshold, the history manager discards the page that was visited the longest time ago is dropped out. With this page the portal also drops the state of the portlets on this page. Furthermore, the history manager this functionality allows us to define strategies for how to proceed with public render parameters. Limiting the navigational state to a maximum number of pages can reduce the length of the portal URLs.Notes:

  1. The history manager applies to both anonymous and authenticated users, in other words it works on public and protected pages.

  2. The history manager is independent of the history expiration limit for swapped render parameters, which determines how long render parameters are kept for swapping into the session.

Configuration of the history manager

The history manager provides the configuration settings listed in the following. We configure them in the WP State Manager Service in the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. For details about this service and how to configure these settings see the topics about Setting service configuration properties and the State Manager Service.

Example scenarios

The following examples can help explain the history manager functionality. For all examples the maximum configured number of pages that are tracked in the navigational state is set to 3.

Parent topic: Configure history expiration limits