Configure HCL WebSphere Portal to use Brightcove
Create a Brightcove account...
- Log in to Brightcove and click...
Account Settings | API Management | Read Token and Upload Token
- Run the ConfigEngine task to set up Brightcove.
In the following command, replace readToken and uploadToken with the read and upload tokens selected from Brightcove. Upload tokens are called Write tokens in Brightcove. setup-brightcove-plugins \ -DBrightcove.ReadToken=readToken \ -DBrightcove.UploadToken=uploadToken \ [-DWasPassword=wasPassword] \ [-DPortalAdminPwd=wpsPassword]
By default, this task is performed on the base portal. To run this task on a different virtual portal, identify the virtual portal by adding one of the following parameters to the command line. Each parameter requires the prefix -D.
VirtualPortalHostName Host name of the virtual portal. For example, VirtualPortalContext Virtual portal context that identifies the virtual portal. For example, vp1.
- Restart HCL WebSphere Portal.
For cluster installs, the ConfigEngine task is only performed on the primary node. The restart must be performed on all nodes in the cluster.
The Brightcove setup task performs the following actions...
- Installs the dam.brightcove WAR file containing the integration plug-in and the Brightcove video management portlet with unique name...
- Sets the preferences BC_READ_TOKEN and BC_UPLOAD_TOKEN to the provided values.
- Creates a hidden page with unique name...
...and puts the Brightcove video management portlet on that page.
Parent Integrate with Brightcove