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Lab: Integration with IBM Digital Analytics (Coremetrics)

Based on: HCL WebSphere Portal V 8 Integration with IBM Digital Analytics (Coremetrics)...

Collect Client Data

  1. On the IBM Digital Analytics site acquire a ClientID by creating an account.

  2. Set ClientID in...

  3. Copy the modified CoremetricsAggregator.js to...


  4. Log on to portal

  5. Edit a page, and in page properties set page parameters...

      asa_dependency http://libs.coremetrics.com/eluminate.js
      asa_aggregator CoremetricsAggregator.js

  6. Use Firebug (or equivalent) to monitor traffic and verify request to load eluminate.js and the aggregator script.

  7. From the Coremetrics browser plugin, login using your ClientID

    The Coremetrics plugin shows the data that is being picked up by the aggregator and being sent to the Coremetrics server.

  8. Using a second web browser, log on to...


  9. Select Page Views option to see data for your ClientId.