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Basic XML command line syntax

The basic command line syntax for the XML configuration interface is as follows.

Note: All data, including the user ID and password, are sent to the server unencrypted. Therefore you should only connect to the XML configuration interface from inside a protected intranet where we can be sure that the HTTP connection is not compromised. In all other networks use a secure HTTPS connection to connect to the XML configuration interface.Prompting for credentials: We can use the parameter askForCredential and leave out the parameters user and password. The XML configuration interface will then prompt you for the user ID and password. This can be useful in security sensitive environments, as the user credentials are not visible on the console or in the process view. The parameter askForCredential requires no value to be specified. Example:

Placing the credentials in a properties file: We can also place the credentials in a properties file and use the option useEncryptedCredentials. This option reads the encrypted or unencrypted credentials from the properties file, and then saves the file back using the encrypted password. If we do not want to write the properties file back with the encrypted credentials, use the additional flag noUpdateProperties. In this case we can use the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility to encrypt the password in the properties file. This option reads the following properties out of the file:

An example of a command line is as follows

Virtual portals: If we have virtual portals in the configuration, we can access a virtual portal by its host name or its URL mapping context. Example for accessing a virtual portal by its URL mapping context:

Example for accessing a virtual portal by its host name: