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Administration portlets

Portal administration portlets allow customization of the administration portlet and its features, such as, defining the number of rows to display in a table. To work with the portal administration portlets, click the Administration menu icon. Portal displays the navigation for the administration portlets.

We can customize the administration portlets by using the configure mode of the portlet. For example, we can configure features such as the layout of the portlet and the number of rows to display.

Searching for portal resources in administration portlets

Portal administration portlets that list portal resources, such as pages, portlets, users, or virtual portals, provide a search feature. We can search for resources available in the portlet. We can use an asterisk ( * ) as a wildcard character for your search. Following is a list of some search types. Their availability differs between portlets. It depends on the portal resource type that the portlet administers.


See also: Administering

Parent topic: Portal administration portlets