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Individual themes and skins for each virtual portal

If you expose multiple virtual portals on a single portal installation, we can give each virtual portal its own look and feel for the user experience.

When you create virtual portals, the portal creates parallel root content nodes for each virtual portal. We can apply separate themes and skins for each content root and its child pages without impacting the representation of other content in the parallel trees for the other virtual portals. Each virtual portal will look like its own portal to its users. Users will not be aware that there are two or more different content nodes on the same physical portal installation.

You can apply the specific look and feel of each virtual portal to both the (unauthenticated) Welcome page and the authenticated pages of the virtual portal. This means that each virtual portal can have its own look and feel even before the user logs in to the portal. Users can switch between the unauthenticated pages of different virtual portals by simply entering the different URL to get to the other portal. We can also provide specific login, and self-enrollment pages for each virtual portal. Once users log out, they are redirected to the specific unauthenticated page of the virtual portal that they had accessed.

Parent topic: Shaping the user experience