Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server products (AIX)


Before you install DB2 Connect™ server products on AIX® operating systems, ensure that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system, hardware, software, and communications requirements.

To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, the following requirements must be met:

Installation requirements

Table 1. AIX installation requirements
Operating System Hardware
AIX Version 5.3

  • 64-bit AIX kernel is required

  • AIX 5.3 Technology Level (TL) 6 and Service Pack (SP) 2 plus APAR IZ03063

  • Minimum C++ runtime level is xlC.rte and xlC.aix50.rte These files are included in the August 2007 IBM® C++ Runtime Environment Components for AIX package.
AIX Version 6.1

  • 64-bit AIX kernel is required

  • Minimum C++ runtime level is xlC.rte and xlC.aix61.rte These files are included in the October 2007 IBM C++ Runtime Environment Components for AIX package.

64-bit Common Hardware Reference Platform (CHRP) architecture1

All processors that are capable of running the supported AIX operating systems.

Software requirements

Communication requirements

When using a communication protocol, you have the following requirements:

DB2 product installation on NFS (Network File System)

The installation of DB2® products on NFS (Network File System) is not recommended. Running DB2 products on NFS (for example, NFS mounting /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5 and then running off code that was physically installed on a remote system) requires several manual setup steps. There are also a number of potential issues with setting up NFS for a DB2 server. These include possible problems that involve:

As mentioned, the setup for NFS will require several manual actions including:

For detailed instructions, see the "Setting up DB2 for UNIX® and Linux® on NFS mounted file systems" white paper in

Parent topic: Installing a DB2 Connect server product (AIX)