Host databases
The term database is used throughout this document to describe a relational database management system (RDBMS). Other systems with which DB2 Connect™ communicates might use the term database to describe a slightly different concept. The DB2 Connect term database can also refer to: - OS/390® or z/OS®
- DB2® Universal Database (UDB) for OS/390 and z/OS Version 7 or DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 8. A DB2 Universal Database™ for z/OS and OS/390 subsystem identified by its LOCATION NAME. The LOCATION NAME can be determined by logging into TSO and issuing the following SQL query using one of the available query tools:
select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1
LOCATION NAME is also defined in the Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) as well as the DSNL004I message (LOCATION=location), which is written when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started. LOCATION NAME supports up to 8 alias location names, allowing applications the ability to use different dbalias names to access a Version 8 z/OS server. Use the z/OS -display ddf command to get the DB2 server location name, domain name, IP address and port.
- DB2 for VSE running in a database partition identified by its DBNAME
- VM
- DB2 for VM running in a CMS virtual machine identified by its DBNAME
- OS/400®
- DB2 for i5/OS™, an integral part of the OS⁄400 operating system. Only one database can exist on an System i server unless the system is configured to use independent auxiliary storage pools.
Parent topic: DB2 Connect
Parent topic: Preparing DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 and z/OS for connections from DB2 Connect
Related reference
DB2 Connect administration utilities
Host and System i support for DB2 Connect