The DB2® monitor maintains a running tally of valuable system information. You can get a summary of system status at any time by issuing the GET SNAPSHOT command. You can take monitor snapshots if you have SYSMAINT, SYSCTRL, or SYSADM authority for the database manager instance that you want to monitor.
There are five snapshot commands useful for monitoring DCS information. They are:DCS Database Snapshot DCS database name = DCSDB Host database name = GILROY First database connect timestamp = 12-15-2001 10:28:24.596495 Most recent elapsed time to connect = 0.950561 Most recent elapsed connection duration = 0.000000 Host response time ( = 0.000000 Last reset timestamp = Number of SQL statements attempted = 2 Commit statements attempted = 1 Rollback statements attempted = 0 Failed statement operations = 0 Total number of gateway connections = 1 Current number of gateway connections = 1 Gateway conn. waiting for host reply = 0 Gateway conn. waiting for client request = 1 Gateway communication errors to host = 0 Timestamp of last communication error = None High water mark for gateway connections = 1 Rows selected = 0 Outbound bytes sent = 140 Outbound bytes received = 103This report provides information on database connections, performance, errors and throughput of SQL requests. DB2 Monitor snapshots can be much more detailed, in fact. For instance, if you issue the GET SNAPSHOT FOR ALL DCS APPLICATIONS command, you will receive a report similar to the following:
DCS Application Snapshot Client application ID = 09150F74.B6A4.991215152824 Sequence number = 0001 Authorization ID = SMITH Application name = db2bp Application handle = 1 Application status = waiting for request Status change time = 12-15-2001 10:29:06.707086 Client node = sys143 Client release level = SQL06010 Client platform = AIX Client protocol = TCP/IP Client codepage = 850 Process ID of client application = 49074 Client login ID = smith Host application ID = G9150F74.B6A5.991215152825 Sequence number = 0000 Database alias at the gateway = MVSDB DCS database name = DCSDB Host database name = GILROY Host release level = DSN05012 Host CCSID = 500 Outbound communication address = 5021 Outbound communication protocol = TCP/IP Inbound communication address = 46756 First database connect timestamp = 12-15-2001 10:28:24.596495 Host response time ( = 0.000000 Time spent on gateway processing = 0.000000 Last reset timestamp = Rows selected = 0 Number of SQL statements attempted = 2 Failed statement operations = 0 Commit statements = 1 Rollback statements = 0 Inbound bytes received = 404 Outbound bytes sent = 140 Outbound bytes received = 103 Inbound bytes sent = 287 Number of open cursors = 0 Application idle time = 1 minute and 32 seconds UOW completion status = Previous UOW completion timestamp = 12-15-2001 10:28:25.592631 UOW start timestamp = 12-15-2001 10:29:06.142790 UOW stop timestamp = Elapsed time of last completed uow ( 0.034396 Most recent operation = Execute Immediate Most recent operation start timestamp = 12-15-2001 10:29:06.142790 Most recent operation stop timestamp = 12-15-2001 10:29:06.707053 Statement = Execute Immediate Section number = 203 Application creator = NULLID Package name = SQLC2C07 SQL compiler cost estimate in timerons = 0 SQL compiler cardinality estimate = 0 Statement start timestamp = 12-15-2001 10:29:06.142790 Statement stop timestamp = 12-15-2001 10:29:06.707053 Host response time ( = 1.101612 Elapsed time of last completed stmt( 0.564263 Rows fetched = 0 Time spent on gateway processing = 0.013367 Inbound bytes received for statement = 220 Outbound bytes sent for statement = 130 Outbound bytes received for statement = 49 Inbound bytes sent for statement = 27 SQL statement text: create table t12 (col1 int, col2 char)
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