Monitoring connections for remote clients
You can use the database system monitor with a DB2 Connect™ server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, to monitor the remote client connections. To monitor clients that are local to the DB2 Connect server, that are running on the server itself, you will need to set the following variable:
For example, when an error occurs at the host or System i™ system, the system administrator can determine if the problem was on the DB2 Connect workstation. The database system monitor correlates:
- The DRDA® correlation token (CRRTKN), for unprotected conversations.
- The unit of work id (UOWID), for two-phase connections protected by the DRDA-3 sync point manager (as used over TCP/IP connections).
- The DB2 Connect connection identifier (the Application ID).
This information shows which DB2 Connect connection caused the problem, which allows the system administrator to force the individual client application from the system without affecting the other clients using the DB2 Connect connection. Listing the Status of Monitor Switches
To list the status of monitor switches, use the db2 get monitor switches command.
Related concepts
System monitor switches
Related tasks
Setting monitor switches from a client application
Setting monitor switches from the CLP